Canned beef


 A French animal rights group has criticized a video of French researchers using a porthole-like cannula to access cows' stomachs.

 The stomach of a cow is made up of four complex systems called the rumen (reticulum) (omasum) and (abomasum).  Doctors use this device to transfer rumin fluids from one cow to another.

 The enzymes and digestive acids in cattle break down the food that is actually digested. Rhombus is the part of the body that is involved in the second process of digestion of food previously consumed.  Digestion occurs.

 But why do people use a device like a porthole to enter a cattle ranch?

 Scientists say that cannulaing provides direct access to a cow's stomach, improving the digestive health of millions of animals and reducing the use of antibiotics.

 They also say that this is a surgery that is usually performed under general anesthesia and that they live longer than normal cows once the animal has recovered.

 But animal rights groups say the process hurts the animal, and that it's just an economic act of economic gain.


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