Relative Truth and Reality

 The "truth" we see in each other is made up of what we have come to realize in life so far.  Our five senses, the eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue and the body (skin), have completely helped us to understand that truth.  We gain an understanding of something;  This is because our mind analyzes the perceived (or generated) signal from our five senses for that thing and gives us some understanding of those things accordingly.  All of this varies completely from person to person;  This is because the "database" required for this analysis is made up of our experience.  This is different from yours than mine and different from mine.  For this, our eyes and ears do us an immense service compared to the other five senses.  Those two senses are the sensors that provide the most data to the database in our brain.
 On what basis do we now say that something is right or wrong?  Here's how to do it.  The relevant thing is taken to our mind by the five senses and compared with the data in the database of the mind and then, using the knowledge we have accumulated and developed so far, to reason, analyze, weigh, and finally we  Concluded as "right" or "wrong".  Because this is something based on our knowledge, it again depends not only on the individual but also on all the physical conditions in which he lives, the environment, the social environment, the time period, etc.  Moreover, it depends on his "senses of the five senses."  Therefore, what one person thinks or understands as "right" may be thought or understood by another as "wrong".
 So we call this "truth" and it is more appropriate to call it "relative truth" because it is actually a "relative" thing.  This "relative truth" is stronger than the "legal truth" of the world.  That is, since "legal truth" is a truth based on only two pieces of evidence, we can call this "legal truth" the weakest truth in the world.  Lawyers can express different views against this.  But I think you can get some idea of ​​this idea when you study and analyze the "legal truth."
 The other truth that is left now is "reality" or "real truth"
 "Absolute Truth."  Can we grasp the absolute truth?
 You may think, "Yes, we can."  If I say to you, "Well, give an example of an absolute truth that you know";  You may also provide examples like this.  "Nibbana", "Buddhism", "God", "Ping and sin" or "merit and demerit", "universe", etc.
 Can we really understand the "absolute truth"?  To the best of my knowledge, the answer is, "We can never understand absolute truth."  Here are the reasons why.
 We first focus on our "eye".  Our eyes can see only a very small wavelength range from purple or about 350 nm (nanometers) to about 750 nm.  Therefore, to our eyes, the "gamma ray" set of wavelengths of 0.01 pm (picometer) to 1 pm in the electromagnetic spectrum is invisible or invisible.  That is, we are completely blind to the world we see in gamma rays.  Also, "X-rays" with wavelengths up to 1 pm - 1 nm (nanometers), "UV" with wavelengths up to 1 nm - 350 nm, and "Infrared" with wavelengths up to 750 nm - 1 mm (mm)  "Rays" and "Radio Rays" in a range of wavelengths ranging from 1 mm - 10000 m (meters) are invisible or invisible to us.  That is, we are completely blind to the world we see in "X-rays", "ultraviolet rays", "infrared rays" and "radio waves".  The attached “Figure 01” shows you the smallest range of “visible light” we can see.  Then we are truly blind in this world.  (The range that our eye perceives is very small and is relatively small compared to the entire electromagnetic spectrum; it can be forgotten).  Therefore, our eyes can never see all the images and visions necessary to understand the "absolute truth".
 (* All these frequency values ​​may vary slightly, because the members of the electromagnetic spectrum have no well-defined boundaries! *)

 Second, let us focus on our sense of hearing, the ear.  Our ears can only hear frequencies ranging from 20 Hz (Hz) to about 20,000 Hz.  (Its actual value ranges from 10 Hz to a maximum of 17000 Hz).  That is, can we hear very high frequencies above 20000 Hz?  That is, we are completely deaf in a world of high frequency.  So our ears cannot hear all the sounds contained in this world;  Therefore, not all sounds are necessary to understand the "absolute truth."
 The same is true of our nose.  We can only smell a very small range of odors.  And even with our tongues, the tastes we feel are in a very small range.  Also, the sensations and temperature changes that we feel in our body are limited to a very small range.  Therefore, our five senses are not sensitive enough to see or feel the world or everything around us.  That is, our five senses are very weakly sensitive only in small ranges.  Can we see the “absolute truth” of the sensitive, weak five senses only in these small ranges?  Is it understandable?
 Moreover, any language we use in this world is in such a narrow range that it cannot even rise to the reading word brought by the senses of those weak five senses.  (For example, in Sinhala we can not explain the taste of "sugar" to anyone who has not eaten sugar.) Therefore, even though we feel the "absolute truth", we can never tell or explain it to anyone else.
 So there is something very valuable that we should try to understand.  That is, everything we talk about is relative.  We can never have any understanding of the "absolute truth."  Therefore, when it is important for us to express our opinion or opinion when arguing with the opinions of others, we should never clash with the person holding that opinion except with his own opinion.  It is a very foolish act to clash with such people.  Because we do not know the "absolute truth" and we have some idea that we do not know it!
 © Dr. Prasanna Maduranga Fernando


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